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Most girls in the world do not have access to basic education. Maybe that's because more than 100 countries do not offer free schooling.


A make up of 50% of our world, these girls are a key part of the growth of a country. However, they are often sent to the kitchen or into early marriage. 


But we intend to change that.


In support of girls' right to education, we want to support the girls who are not able to read and write, who are not able to add and multiply, who are not able to find opportunities in their own growth. The fight for girls' education is quickly growing and we want to build the fire for this hopeful cause.


We want to give girls pencils instead of pots and pans.


We want to give girls notebooks instead of a workplace.


Most importantly, we want to give girls opportunity and the freedom to explore their own destinies. Join us in the fight for girls' education.



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